Elevate your luxurious stay at Palazzo Versace Dubai by unlocking exclusive rewards through our brand-new Referral Program. Sharing is caring, and now you can share the opulent experience with your friends and loved ones while enjoying fantastic benefits for both you and your referrals. Indulge in our lavish offerings and be rewarded like never before!
Elevate your luxurious stay at Palazzo Versace Dubai by unlocking exclusive rewards through our brand-new Referral Program. Sharing is caring, and now you can share the opulent experience with your friends and loved ones while enjoying fantastic benefits for both you and your referrals. Indulge in our lavish offerings and be rewarded like never before!
Explore a plethora of enticing products and services available for redemption, each starting from just 200 points and beyond. From exquisite dining experiences at our gourmet restaurants to unparalleled spa treatments, luxurious room upgrades, and much more, your points will open doors to a world of indulgence.
Share: Spread the word about the Palazzo Versace Dubai Referral Program by sharing your unique referral link with friends, family, and social circles.
Earn: As they make eligible purchases, both you and your Referee will accumulate points, unlocking a realm of rewarding possibilities.
Redeem: Dive into the opulence as you redeem points for an array of exclusive experiences and services, creating memories that will last a lifetime.