更多在 Mosaico 放松身心,品尝美食,品味户外氛围,欣赏宁静的黄金时光,俯瞰雄伟的迪拜河。 一个优雅的...
La Piscina 坐落在迪拜范思哲宫殿东侧泳池周围雄伟的棕榈树之中,提供独特的池畔体验,包括亲密的海滨景观、轻松的休息室音乐等等......
更多体验我们独有的 Vanitas Luxe Escape 带来的极致放松和精致用餐体验。
更多使用我们 Enigma 的温馨家庭盛宴套餐来庆祝家庭时光。
更多在迪拜范思哲宫殿酒店纵享奢华假日。 预订我们的特别浪漫专案,为您缔造终身难忘的美好记忆。 在星空下一边欣赏迪拜天际线的绝美风光,一边享用盛宴,体验水疗按摩,彻…
更多Indulge in an ancestral Middle Eastern beauty regime with a hammam experience at The SPA . The Signature Hammam features the application of black soap, full-body exfoliation, scalp massage…
更多There’s nothing better than a family day out which ticks every box for the perfect day. The Into the Jungle Lunch at Giardino promises unique experiences for the entire family within the comfortable...
更多无论是庆祝新生儿活动,单身派对还是庆祝毕业,让我们 Mosaico 餐厅的专业团队为您进行周全的安排,令每位宾客都尽兴而归吧。伴着迪拜河的优美景色,Mosaico…
更多Enigma 餐厅供应由酒店 2 星级米其林行政主厨精心制作的各色伊朗风味菜肴,是祈祷后享用午餐的理想场所。 每周五,一家人可以欢聚一堂,一边享用丰盛的…
更多开瓶闻香! 每天下午 5:00 至晚上 8:00 100 迪拉姆(精选瓶装葡萄酒) 欢乐时光 每天下午 5:00 至晚上 8:00 精选酒可享受买一送一的优惠…
更多The tranquil setting of The SPA invites you to experience a soothing treatment designed by luxury skincare brand, marocMaroc.
更多In a city full of ladies’ days, take the opportunity to meet with your squad or immerse yourself in a solo day of rest and relaxation with our Gentlemen’s Day stay privilege. Book a room...
更多Take time out to spoil yourself or treat a loved one to a luxury spacation at The SPA.
更多The home of refined and reimagined Persian cuisine, Enigma’s culinary tale continues to evolve with the launch of an incredibly exciting dining experience.
更多We’re calling the boys every Tuesday to Palazzo Versace Dubai. Catch up with your friends by the pool during the day or unwind over dinner and drinks with your colleagues at great value...
更多Gentlemen’s day is not only for socializing with buddies or playing sports. It can also be about relaxing and taking care of yourself.